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assignment 3

Covid appropriate distancing alert system


In this pandemic, best way to stay safe is the socila distancing. Objective is to design a Covid appropriate distancing alert system that can help in mentaining the distance for a ration distribution shop. It can hace two levels-

  • mild alarm if the distance is low
  • high intensity alarm if person is too close

  • Data collection

    To check the distance of the person, I have used a ultrasound sensor. Ultrasound sensor use time travelled by sound to measure the distance but these sensors require accurate sound speed to measure the distance. So it's better to measure the speed of sound first and For that we need data.

  • First,10 distances were marked from 100 mm to 1m, room temperature was around 30 to 35 degrees
  • ultrasound sensor was connected to the arduino to calculate the sound speed.
  • sound speed was calculated for all 10.
  • Data analysis.

    Speed of the sound was taken as the average of the the 8 as two of the data was too different to be considered. Sound speed was finally taken as 448 m/s. Now to create alert two distances were selected, at less than 1m
    Now to create alert two distances were selected, at less than 1m the arduino will creat a mild sound using a active buzzer with flashing yellow LED and at less than 500mm, arduino will create constant beep and the red LED will also glow


  • Arduino board
  • Ultrasound sensor
  • Active buzzer
  • Red & Yellow LED
  • bread board
  • jumperwires
  • Final setup

    arduino distance alert.jpg

  • All the components were connected to the arduino
  • if the ultrasound buzzer senses distance less then 1m, buzzer and yellow LED were given HIGH and LOW command.
  • if the ultrasound buzzer senses distance less then 500mm, buzzer and red LED were given contant HIGH command.